Shivering, she whispered a weak: ”Thank you”. “No one has ever treated me so kindly in the past fifteen years.”

by Smaranda A.

    Shivering, she whispered a weak: ”Thank you”. “No one has ever treated me so kindly in the past fifteen years.”

   One freezing cold winter morning, I headed out, wearing a brand new silky soft scarf, just received for my birthday, from my aunt. I was walking slowly, admiring the numbed land and the fragile snow under my pace. My destination was, of course, the library. I had heard about a new novel from my teacher, and wanted to read it just then. The cold was blurting my senses, making me weak, and red in the cheeks. After a mesmerizing walk, I entered the old dusty room of the library, the fantasy section. It was so cold in that building, there was no wonder no one was there to help me find the book I was so eager to read. Just then, an old poorly dressed lady appeared in front of me. She asked calmly: “ What are you looking for, my dear?”

“Nothing special. A fantasy book I’ veheard you have just brought in.”

“Oh, yes, of course! Follow me!”

Walking behind the old woman, I couldn’t help but feel strange. I had one of the most beautiful scarves for this winter, and she barely had a jacket to wear in the cold. Following her, she led me to some dusty stairs, and said:

“This is where I’m sleeping, I have just finished reading the book darling. There, you can have it”. She gave me the novel, trembling because of the cold. Her hand was frozen, as I touched it hesitantly. Then, I couldn’t help but remember the magic of gift giving, as the season was approaching. In spite of it being almost Christmas, the lady was sleeping in a dusty stairway, shivering under a poor blanket.

             Then, as I wanted to walk outside, too shaken upon what I had witnessed, an idea came to my mind. I went home, that night, and wrapped all the winter clothes I couldn’t wear anymore, a bag of sweets and a puffy huge and heavy blanket. The next day, I went to the lady and told her:

          “As you share your gift with us, children, you deserve a gift yourself”. I then learnt the ways of living, and since then, I have always visited her, and we have tea together once in a while.

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