by Sanziana

Itall started in a sunny November morning. I had a sleepover at my best friend’s house and, naturally, after going to sleep pretty late we woke up at almost 11 in the morning. My day begun pretty well, except I had no idea it would turn into the worst day of my life.

      First thing I did when I left the comfort and warmth of the bed was to check myself in the mirror and I could not help but to notice the huge eyebags I had after an almost sleepless night. My eyes were droopy and red, and not to mention surrounded by a dark purple-grey, definitely from the lack of rest I had gotten. My hair was ravished and my face was paler than usual. As tired as we were, Lila and I decided we should probably eat something to give our cheeks some of their colour back. We ascended down the stairs and entered the kitchen looking for some food and that is the moment it first happened. The previous night I was trying to avoid this, falling down the stairs, but this time it was impossible. It wasn’t the way it usually happened, step wrong and twist my ankle. This time I could not avoid it. It was like someone pushed me. I was just simply pushed forward. We got a few scratches that drew a little blood, but Lila and I tried to look past it. We laughed it off and went on with what we were doing, except happened again a few minutes later. I was walking around the house, not even on the stairs when I fell the second time. It just kept going on. I fell again and again on my way home, probably around 9 times. And the worst happened exactly as I got home. While walking up the stairs to my room, I tripped again. And this time it was different. I did in fact break my leg. Thankfully, my parents were home and they rushed me to the hospital where I could get treatment. I had to wear a cast for around one month, but I was lucky enough to be able to choose my own colour for it.

     It is safe to say that since then I have avoided going up or down the stairs. I must admit that this was in fact the worst day of my life.

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