by Athena

3 years ago, my grandfather from my dads side passed away from heart attack. That was on 12 april 2019. 2 days before my brothers birthday. Back then I was on sixth grade.

     I remember coming back from school excited to see my dad and tell him about how well I did at some test. After classes I always go to my grandparents to eat lunch because they stay in the apartament next to ours so it’s easy. I entered my grandmas kitcken and saw her standing at the table with my dad and my aunt. My grandpa was in hospital for two or three days but I wasn’t worried something could happen. I saw a candle on the table and a thought about him went through my head so I asked how was he doing and when is he coming home. My grandma said: ”Your dad will explain everything to you” then he took me outside and told me he passed away that morning at the hospital. I fell on my knees. I was in shock. I just couldn’t believe it. After a few minutes, I realized that it wasn’t a dream, everything was real and he was gone, I started crying my eyes out. I screamed out of anger then buried my face in my dads chest. After I calmed down a little, me and my dad took a walk in the garden, cried together and talked about what a great man my grandpa was and how much we will miss him. That was the worst day of my life.

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by Tudor

The worst day of my life was 6 years ago in the 3rd grade. For a random reason, two of my classmates got into a fight and I tried to separate them, but that was the biggest mistake possible, a mistake that would cost me my ability to protect myself. One of them took my right pointing finger and then rotated it 180 degrees, only to pull it down to finish me. I called my mother in a hurry, just to get me to the hospital as soon as possible because I couldn’t move my hand. The doctor and the nurses seemed disinterested about my condition, which made everything worse. When they fitted my orthotic, they forced my finger away from the rest of my hand. After many more attempts and a few surgeries, I ended up losing my ability to use my fist, having a finger phalange rotated 180 degrees.

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by Sofia

On that day, I woke up and realized my alarm for school didn’t ring. When I wanted to get up, I put my feet down and I touched something that felt gross. It was my dog’s pee.

Going to the bathroom, in a rush, I walked into the door and I banged my head. To feel better, I considered washing my face with cold water, but when I threw water at it, I scalded my face. I screamed because it was awful, and my dad said to me that the cold water was stopped for a pipe reparation.

Thinking that it could not get any better, I went to the kitchen with the hope that nothing worse could happen. In my trying to open the fridge, I banged my head again on the fridge’s door. I decided just to go to school faster, but when I stepped out of the house, I slipped on a banana peel and I hurt myself again.

And when I was imagining that nothing could be worse, after a long list of terrible events, I realized I didn’t have school that day.

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Au mai ramas doar 2 saptamani in care te mai poti inscrie la Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2019!
Nu rata sansa de a castiga una dintre cele doua tabere de limba engleza in Marea Britanie si multe alte premii!
14 ZILE! Atat mai ai la dispozitie pentru a te inscrie la cel mai mare Concurs National de Creatie in Limba Engleza – Shakespeare School Essay Competition!
Tot ceea ce trebuie sa faci este sa scrii un scurt eseu original (aproximativ jumatate de pagina de Word), in limba engleza, cu titlul A World with NO Rules (“O lume fara reguli”).
Cum intri in cursa?
E simplu: iti inscrii GRATUIT eseul online, pe SITE-ul competitieiintr-una dintre cele doua categorii de varsta, 11-14 ani (200 de cuvinte) sau 15-19 ani (250 de cuvinte).
Write, race, win!
Cel mai bun si original eseu poate aduce castigatorului (de la fiecare dintre cele doua categorii de varsta) o tabara de studiu la un colegiu de top din Marea Britanie dar si multe alte premii!
ATENTIE! Inscrierile se pot face pana pe data de 31 MARTIE (inclusiv)
Ce poti castiga?
Concursul ofera celor 30 de finalisti premii in valoare de peste 5.000 de euro, constand in 2 tabere de limba engleza in Marea Britanie (pentru marele castigator al fiecareia dintre cele doua categorii de varsta: 11-14 ani si 15-19 ani), cursuri de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, inscrieri gratuite la examene Cambridge, carti, dictionare, rechizite, etc.
Shakespeare School Essay Competition este un concurs national, cu participare GRATUITA, organizat de Asociatia Shakespeare School pentru Educatie.
Afla toate detaliile despre tema, regulament si inscriere de pe pagina competitiei, AICI.
Fa-ti ideile auzite! May the best one win!

Mult succes!

Adriana Alionte
Asociatia Shakeapsreare School pentru Educatie
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Până pe 31 martie 2019 vă invităm să vă înscrieți și să participați la Concursurile de creație literară în limba engleză pentru elevi și studenți.

Temele pentru concurs sunt în funcție de categoria de vârstă a participanților, după cum urmează:

Pentru categoriile de vârstă 11-14 ani si 15-19 ani concursul se va desfășura sub egida Shakespeare School Essay Competition. Tema concursului din ediția 2019 este “A World with NO Rules“ (“O lume fara reguli”)!  Concursul ofera celor 30 de finalisti premii in valoare de peste 5.000 de euro, constand in 2 tabere de limba engleza in Marea Britanie (pentru marele castigator al fiecareia dintre cele doua categorii de varsta: 11-14 ani si 15-19 ani), cursuri de limba engleza la Shakespeare School, inscrieri gratuite la examene Cambridge, carti, dictionare, rechizite, etc. Pentru detalii cu privire la Shakespeare School Essay Competition 2019 dați click AICI.

Pentru tinerii peste 19 ani British Council a deschis înscrierile pentru competiția FameLab 2019. Dacă poți explica un concept științific pe înțelesul unei public larg în maxim trei minute, poţi să te înscrii la FameLab! Poți ajunge să reprezinți România la finala internațională FameLab din Marea Britanie și să ai acces la oportunități profesionale în domeniul comunicării științei la nivel internațional. Concurenții selectați pentru finală vor participa la un masterclass, care îi va ajuta să își îmbunătățească abilități esenţiale de comunicare media şi de prezentare. Masterclass-ul va fi susținut de un trainer din Marea Britanie și se va desfășura în perioada 21 – 21 aprilie 2019, în București. Pentru detalii cu privire la FameLab 2019 dati click AICI.

ATENȚIE! Înscrierile la concursuri sunt acceptate până pe data de 31 martie 2019 (ora 23:59).

Mesajul nostru de suflet este deschis tuturor unicornilor anonimi (Unicorns Anonymously United). Vă dorim SUCCES!

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Dear Guests,

I would like to begin by welcoming you to what I think will be the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind. You may think I am exaggerating, but I am going to prove I am not. Everybody says that we are witnessing a very serious process of dumbing down of our school standards and cultural level. That children are unable to cope with the amount of information anymore. That they are the unworthy offspring of our brave and gifted forefathers. And we could keep talking about this until the beginning of May, when wonderful things are about to happen, so it would be a shame if we continued and wasted such precious time.

Continue reading “A Message from a Unicorn Seer”

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