I’ve always been a hopeless romantic, and I’ve been dreaming that one day or night, someone will come to my door and offer me something that I’ll never forget. High school with halls full of drama won’t give me a sign or a light to cross my path, to show true romance.

by Casandra P.

A gift. It was only a gift, and yet here I am writing about it to you, dear gentle reader.

   I’ve always been a hopeless romantic, and I’ve been dreaming that one day or night, someone will come to my door and offer me something that I’ll never forget. High school with halls full of drama won’t give me a sign or a light to cross my path, to show true romance. But I’m exaggerating, that’s for sure.

   Allow me to begin again. One night. One beautiful starry night, I was all alone. Only the moon was turning its face towards me. I heard a sound like a little humming. My room was suddenly filled with it, and my heart, beating with hope and dreams, told me to go to the window and seek the one calling me. I froze. I thought I was dreaming. A person I’d never seen before, holding a present was singing to me, no, it was singing for me and the stars.

   I heard it say, “Come down, my dear star!” And I know what you’re thinking. You think I’m mad crazy but let me finish. As I was saying, once I got downstairs, the person handed me the gift. I wanted to say thank you, but the person disappeared. Inside the gift there was a quote that said : “Love is hard to find, you might lose patience waiting for it to come, but once you have it, once you find it you’ll never want to lose it or forget it”    It got to my heart. From then on, I’ve been waiting and waiting and waiting, but I’m happy. It’s a gift that I’ll never forget or lose.

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