Have you ever thought about the best gift that you can receive from someone? Do you know that amazing feeling that you have when you open a present? Let me tell you about one of the best experiences that I had last year.

by Anastasia B.

Have you ever thought about the best gift that you can receive from someone? Do you know that amazing feeling that you have when you open a present? Let me tell you about one of the best experiences that I had last year.

After I had been walking on my way back home for more than 45 minutes, I finally arrived home. A strong feeling of shock gripped me when I realised that the door was already open. I entered the house and I checked it but no one was inside and nothing was missing. I went in the kitchen thinking that I probably had forgotten to lock the door but I was still feeling unconfortable. When I turned back, I saw a strange man in the living room who was staring at me. I became as white as a sheet and I started stammering trying to make him leave but he just came closer and hugged me. After a while, he invited me to sit on the couch next to him and he explained to me that he was the owner of the house where I used to live when I was young. He knew that I had moved here a long time before and he wanted to visit me because he had a special gift for me. He opened his bag and he took a teddy bear from it. I immediately started crying and I checked the back of the toy. Inside it, there was a pink letter from my mom. The man told me: ”Your mother loves you from heaven.” and then he disappeared.

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