Can you tell the right story? Tell yours! Tell The Right Story!!!

Great stories and great people are:
relatable, inclusive, unifying, believable, evocative, emotive, contagious, inspiring, important, useful…

Stories enable us to untangle the tangled and find meaning in our lives. They are  lifeboats carrying wisdom and memories — making us not  forget and not be forgotten… Much of the conversation about life, finding stories, meaningful change, creating hope… happens online. What are Cowbirds, Medium, Instagram or Facebook timeline other than stories? A Wikipedia for life’s meaningful moments. This means face to face relationships, stories and ultimately life. You need to add your voice to that conversation if you plan to be the change. What a wonderful thing it will be if we can somehow capture those lessons that are hiding in the world, in us and around us, communicate them to others and encode them in a way that can outlive us…

It’s the story you tell, how you tell it and who you tell it to that motivates people to believe in, buy, work for, pay attention to and invest in your dream? 


  • All
  • Storytelling
  • The gift

The gift

There are some moments when you start losing yourself simply because you’ve been someone else for such a long time. And you can’t tell people around you what’s wrong because it’s hard watching them not knowing what to do. But somewhere is this world, your story is someone’s survival guide – a gift you constantly have to shape.

The gift

Shivering, she whispered a weak: ”Thank you”. “No one has ever treated me so kindly in the past fifteen years.”

The gift

   I’ve always been a hopeless romantic, and I’ve been dreaming that one day or night, someone will come to my door and offer me something that I’ll never forget. High school with halls full of drama won’t give me a sign or a light to cross my path, to show true romance.

The gift

“I used to bring your mother here back when she was your age.” A tear rolled down my cheek, as I said with a shaky voice: “Thank you, and held him tight. It was the first birthday since my parents passed away, and he somehow managed to make it the best.

The gift

When I was sixteen, I learnt that even humans collect long, white, delicate feathers from the angels’ wings. Not everyone accepts them, but this is not a story about denial, but patience.

The gift

I took it and ran back home to show it to my friends, who laughed at me, as always. Still, I knew it was my little gift, from the little frog in the little box, for little me.

The gift

Have you ever thought about the best gift that you can receive from someone? Do you know that amazing feeling that you have when you open a present? Let me tell you about one of the best experiences that I had last year.

Trimite-ne o glumă pe care să o citim împreună! 

ZICI 2024: O carte, un glas, multe urechi! Alege o carte, găseşte un grup dispus să te asculte şi lecturează cu voce tare! Sau… Trimite-ne o glumă pe care să o citim împreună! (#ReadAloudDay #InchyJokes #WRADJokes )