Worst day

The worst day of my life

by Natalia

Today was the worst day of my life. Let me tell you more about it.
It all started great, I woke up, washed my face, brushed my teeth, changed my clothes, and left for school. I was on the left side of the road when, out of the blue, a dog came running and barking at me. I’ve started running in the opposite direction but surely after I tripped over a rock and fell into the mud. I had to go back home, change my clothes and then go back to school despite missing the first class. The next 2 classes went fine but then I had history. For some reason, the teacher was annoyed and decided to give us a test. Had I known she was going to ask random questions from last class, I would have at least read the lesson. Anyway, I’ll pass with an F too, cause I have 2 A s and a B. As if nothing could get worse, I got home, and guess what, my little sister, Emily, an “angel”, decided to be creative with my laptop and painted two butterflies on it thinking that I would like it, but in the end she spilled the water and my laptop broke down. When I told mother, she blamed ME for not locking my room door. During the afternoon nothing really bad happened but, in the evening when I was taking a shower, the power cut out and the water came freezing. In the dark, when I got out of the shower, I slipped and twisted my right wrist. Now, here I am, a bit cold, writing you this letter.
How was your day?

Profesor de limba engleză, mentor, traducător și, mai nou, blogger. Îmi place să gândesc, să cunosc, să călătoresc, să predau și să motivez... în limba engleză. Pentru mine e cel mai greu lucru sa ma definesc. Sunt o suma a impresiilor celorlalti, in care ma recunosc sau nu, iar asta e valabil pentru toata lumea.