worst day

The worst day of my life

by Sofia

On that day, I woke up and realized my alarm for school didn’t ring. When I wanted to get up, I put my feet down and I touched something that felt gross. It was my dog’s pee.

Going to the bathroom, in a rush, I walked into the door and I banged my head. To feel better, I considered washing my face with cold water, but when I threw water at it, I scalded my face. I screamed because it was awful, and my dad said to me that the cold water was stopped for a pipe reparation.

Thinking that it could not get any better, I went to the kitchen with the hope that nothing worse could happen. In my trying to open the fridge, I banged my head again on the fridge’s door. I decided just to go to school faster, but when I stepped out of the house, I slipped on a banana peel and I hurt myself again.

And when I was imagining that nothing could be worse, after a long list of terrible events, I realized I didn’t have school that day.

Profesor de limba engleză, mentor, traducător și, mai nou, blogger. Îmi place să gândesc, să cunosc, să călătoresc, să predau și să motivez... în limba engleză. Pentru mine e cel mai greu lucru sa ma definesc. Sunt o suma a impresiilor celorlalti, in care ma recunosc sau nu, iar asta e valabil pentru toata lumea.