A Message from a Unicorn Seer

Dear Guests,

I would like to begin by welcoming you to what I think will be the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind. You may think I am exaggerating, but I am going to prove I am not. Everybody says that we are witnessing a very serious process of dumbing down of our school standards and cultural level. That children are unable to cope with the amount of information anymore. That they are the unworthy offspring of our brave and gifted forefathers. And we could keep talking about this until the beginning of May, when wonderful things are about to happen, so it would be a shame if we continued and wasted such precious time.

The naked truth is that you are neither dumber, nor smarter than your parents or grandparents. It is not your IQ that is under discussion here.You are freer than them. The issue is what you do with this freedom. And you have two options here. You may continue to believe that the world as we know it is founded  on moral principles and eventually the good will take over. Until then, you’re going to strive to come out of this valley of the death which is our society with its unjust hierarchies, where the scum goes to the top and hardly ever falls down. Or you may find the living well of existence, which is the curiosity that brought you all here today.

I don’t know if all of you are going to find unicorns, for a unicorn never appears to crowds of people. It is a rare creature with magical powers, but it may take you years and years of training and perseverence. I, for one, had this rare chance once, when I was your age. I saw one, by the side of a lake, basking in the bright moonlight. My life has never been the same ever since and I owe everything to that creature and what it stands for. What each of you has to do is find your own. Let’s just hope you can find the right track.

Profesor de limba engleză, mentor, traducător și, mai nou, blogger. Îmi place să gândesc, să cunosc, să călătoresc, să predau și să motivez... în limba engleză. Pentru mine e cel mai greu lucru sa ma definesc. Sunt o suma a impresiilor celorlalti, in care ma recunosc sau nu, iar asta e valabil pentru toata lumea.